step by step-Stipendien für den Collegebesuch

Förderung von Stipendiat(inn)en aus Sitio Camolinas und Kamagayan.
Eine Erfolgsgeschichte.

Im Jahr 2009 stellten wir Ihnen unsere College-Studenten vor:

buselak college kl* Rechel Buselak (16 Jahre), aus Kamagayan (Cebu City) im step by step-Programm seit 2002, die Sonderpädagogik an der University of San Carlos studieren wird;



singculan college kl* Jasson Singculan (16 Jahre), aus Sitio Camolinas (Cordova), im step by step-Programm seit 2005, und angehender IT-Student an der University of Cebu, Lapu-Lapu Mactan Campus;

* sowie drittens: Careihm Inoc (19 Jahre) aus Sitio Camolinas (Cordova), die für einen Bachelor in Elementarbildung an der University of San Carlos, Lapu-Lapu Mactan Campus eingeschrieben ist.

justiceF hat die Ausbildung der drei Studierenden über vier Jahre in Höhe von 5.000 Euro mit Ihrer Hilfe gefördern.

Im Dezember 2013 können wir Rechel und Jasson zum bestandenen Abschluss gratulieren.

Rechel schrieb uns:

Rechel 2013“Education is a key to success." During my high school days, in our school every classroom has its own quote about education but this quote struck me most because it reminds me how important education is. Without education, we can never be successful. When I was still in my 4th year in high school, I thought after this year it’s already the end of my academic life since I know my family can’t afford in sending me to college because of financial contraints. I felt so sad and pity for myself at the same time because I thought I can no longer have the chance to fulfill my dreams. But since I am a Scholar of justiceF in JPIC-IDC since grade 4 until high school and I discover that JPIC also caters working scholars, I decided to apply so that I can continue my studies. I waited for the result of my application but then I did not receive any calls or information that I was accepted until I graduated in high school. I went to Bacolod City where my family is staying that time. I was so frustrated because my dreams are slowly fading. Day by day I always think how I can achieve my goals if I can't have a degree. How can I be successful without education? What I did in Bacolod was to stay strong and never give up and never ever stop praying.

One morning day, I got a call from my grandmother with good news and a blessing. She told me to go back to Cebu because I can continue my studies. justiceF accepted me as one of their scholars. My tears are slowly falling down unconsciously. I can’t explain my feeling how happy and thankful I am. Dreams are started to build up on my mind. I took up Bachelor of Education major in Special Education. Struggles and challenges came in my way during my college life but I never give up until the time I got my Bachelor’s degree where I told myself that my success starts here.

I know these things are not possible without the JPIC- IDC, justiceF and most especially the persons behind this organization. You made my dreams possible. My deepest thanks to all of you.

Und Jasson:

Jasson 2013After I graduated from high school with the assistance of justiceF, I wanted to pursue my education but I did not know what to do since my father was only a pedicab driver. Pedicab is a three-wheel man-powered vehicle. His earnings would be less than 200 pesos a day. They said, "Education needs investment", however, we didn't have money to invest. Then, I said to myself, "There are other ways." One of it is to be a scholar. Suddenly, an idea came to my father's mind. He thought of applying to JPIC-IDC, a partner of justiceF based in the Philippines. We went to their office in Cebu City. When we were there, I filled up forms. Then, an interview followed which was conducted in the same office. The forms that I filled up were to be sent to Germany for validation. Those forms were to be sent to the people of justiceF. The time passed by, and Mr. Erlee Adrian Lera, a Scholarship officer, came and told me the good news. They accepted me. They were willing to fund my education. Now, I finished my course with a Bachelors’ Degree in Elementary Education. Through this letter, I wanted to say "Thank you". Without you, I would not be here today. I climbed my mountain and I didn't know what path I would take to reach the top, but you came and guided me. The money you spent to me has greater value however to you, money value less than generosity. Thank you so much for the support.


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